The Big Adventure Event is a digital celebration and showcase of independently developed adventure games!
Our second ever showcase will be live on Steam from Jan 20-24, 2022. Submissions have now closed, but our community is open! Join us there to chat with devs, sneak previews, rewards, and general funtivity goodness :)
The very first Big Adventure Event was a tremendous success, and now we’re back for round two! Our inaugural event showcased 80+ games from 50+ publishers and developers such as Akupara Games, Fellow Traveller, WhiteThorn Games, Raw Fury, Second Maze Studios, MidBoss, and so many more. In the end, over 300,000 fans joined our first ever BAE – woah!
And this year, we’re doing it bigger and better. In addition to a fantastic line-up of games from developers all over the world, TheBAE will also include developer interviews, livestream broadcasts, and community events.
DEVS: Submissions are now closed, but we'd still love to see you in our Discord!
FANS: Stay in the loop by: 1) signing up for email updates 2) following us on Twitter!
Q: When is the event?
A: January 20-24, 2022
Q: Where is the event hosted?
A: The Big Adventure Event is hosted on Steam! The inaugural event page is still live – check it out! -- and that's the same page where the new event will be hosted as well. We'll do some behind-the-scenes magic ✨ to make it all swap over to the new page closer to Jan. 20.
Q: Is there a Discord community that I can join?
A: Yes indeed! Jump into our server here. We'll be hosting devs, chats, broadcasts, and even more after the event is over.
Q: What is “#theBAE” that I saw earlier on the page?
A: So after we came up with the name for the event (The Big Adventure Event), we realized that it abbreviated down to “theBAE”. And thus, a Twitter hashtag was born! We are huge believers in the value of community, so devs and fans joining the celebration are encouraged to use this hashtag when posting about the event so that we can all see the good stuff you’re sharing!
Q: Does any of this cost money to join the fun?
A: Heck no! Who am I? Scrooge McDuck? The only thing that would cost money is if you buy games that are featured in the event, but that money goes toward the indie devs who work so hard on the games you love! Win-win!
Q: Why does the sun shine?
A: Hm. I would probably defer to They Might Be Giants’ hit song “The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas”. Informative and groovy.
Q: I feel stressed.
A: Me, too. I find that the aforementioned song is helpful for stress as well.
Hey there! I’m Jordan Taylor, Studio Head for Hitcents. We’re an indie games publisher and developer, and we’re the organizers of The Big Adventure Event! We’re huge believers that a rising tide lifts all boats, and that was really the impetus for us to create such a showcase. There are lots of indie devs making truly terrific experiences, and TheBAE is one way in which we hope to elevate the voices of those creators. Whenever event stuff isn’t going on, you can find us on Twitter and Discord!